The paper based on these data will investigate the influence of licenses on usage of online books in the OAPEN Library. The OAPEN Library platform logs usage data, starting from January 2011. Among the data logged is the number of times each monograph was downloaded in a month. We will use this as an indicator of successful dissemination: more downloads means a better result. For this paper, we will use the data captured over a period of 33 months: from January 2011 up until September 2013. During this time, 1734 different books were made available through the OAPEN Library. Of these monographs, 855 were disseminated under a Creative Commons license – in other words: libre OA – and 879 were distributed under a more restrictive regime.
File list:- OAPEN_license_downloads.csv: data- Explanation of variables urn-nbn-nl-ui-13-8ut1-25.pdf: list of variables used in the data- oapen.excel-20140123: list of books mentioned in variable OAPEN-ID- R. Snijder, 'Better Sharing Through Licenses? Measuring the Influence of Creative Commons Licenses on the Usage of Open Access Monographs'. In JLSC vol 3 issue 1 2014-10-30.pdf: final article, available in this dataset as of 04-03-2015