Correlative imaging for additive manufacturing of metallic alloys


Additive manufacturing of metallic alloys is an innovative process but several scientific issues need to be overcome for a strong development in industry. In this field, relevant scales are ranging from several centimenters down to submicron requiring the development of a multi-scale correlative imaging approach. We propose a dual strategy on ID16B and BM18 to extent their application domains: (i) an experimental approach linking in situ tests at several scales with dedicated sample environment and technical developments; (ii) a numerical approach based on artificial intelligence algorithms to reduce data acquisition (low number of projections, automatic segmentation) and increase quality (enhanced resolution, noise and rings removal). The multi-scale correlative imaging strategy will benefit to other imaging beamlines (BM05, ID19), will be transferable to other materials science fields leading to more industry participation at ESRF, thanks to an associated long life learning project.

Metadata Access
Creator Federico SKET; Jaianth VIJAYAKUMAR; Elodie BOLLER; Luc SALVO; Javier GARCIA MOLLEJA ORCID logo; Pierre LHUISSIER ORCID logo; Katrin BUGELNIG; Galina KASPEROVICH ORCID logo; Antoine KLOS ORCID logo; Eric MAIRE
Publisher ESRF (European Synchrotron Radiation Facility)
Publication Year 2027
Rights CC-BY-4.0;
OpenAccess true
Resource Type Data from large facility measurement; Collection
Discipline Particles, Nuclei and Fields