We present infrared K-band photometry of complete samples of VLM candidates constructed from IIIaF and IVN plates in 10 fields taken as part of the POSSII and UKSRC surveys. Using the I-K colors constructed for these stars we estimate a bolometric luminosity function which extends to MBol=13.75. We find significant evidence for a luminosity function decreasing toward these luminosities.
Cone search capability for table J/ApJ/414/279/table1 (Areas and limits surveyed)
Cone search capability for table J/ApJ/414/279/table2 (Survey samples in each POSSII/UKSRC field selected by photographic color)
Cone search capability for table J/ApJ/414/279/table3 (Miscellaneous interesting objects (I-K>3.0) not part of survey sample)