4D X-ray micro-velocimetry data of multiphase flow perturbations in porous media


Raw and reconstructed time series data of X-ray tomographic microscopy (XTM) on drainage in a porous medium, with flow-tracing microparticles in the non-wetting phase (oil) while the latter displaces brine from the pores (dataset 073). Additionally, raw and reconstructed X-ray tomograms of the sample before the experiment are provided, in dry state (dataset 064) and brine-satured state (dataset 065). All reconstructed datasets are provided both with Paganin phase retrieval (in 8 bit format) and without (in 16 bit format).

DOI https://doi.org/10.16907/c0dfa6c8-25da-454e-82fa-fc5db7f7c6f2
Metadata Access https://doi.psi.ch/oaipmh/oai?verb=GetRecord&metadataPrefix=oai_dc&identifier=10.16907/c0dfa6c8-25da-454e-82fa-fc5db7f7c6f2
Creator Veerle Cnudde
Publisher PSI
Publication Year 2023
Rights Available to the public.
OpenAccess true
Contact PSI
Resource Type Dataset
Discipline ['Life Sciences', 'Biology', 'Basic Biological and Medical Research']