These data sets accompany the article "Forming a Mogi Doughnut in the years prior to and immediately before the 2014 M8.1 Iquique, Northern Chile earthquake" (Schurr et al., 2020).
The data sets consist of an earthquake catalog (2020-011_schurr-et-al_mogi_eqk_cat.txt) preceding the 2014 M8.1 Iquique, northern Chile earthquake, an inter-seismic locking model derived from GPS data for the northern Chile subduction zone (as plain text table and Generic Mapping Tools [GMT, Wessel et al. 2019] grid file: 2020-011_schurr-et-al_mogi_locking.txt and .grd) and the gravity field corrected for water column and subducted slab of the source region (GMT grid file: 2020-011_schurr-et-al_mogi_gravity). All data files are combined in one zip folder.