Data + codes for Phys. Rev. B 99, 184432 (2019), arXiv-1902.04436
The [dft] directory contains the results of the DFT runs, including all the Wien2k and Wannier90 input/output files.
[RuO2_1_GGA_afterSCF.tar.gz]: The result of the NM GGA.
[RuO2_2_GGA_U_afterSCF.tar.gz]: The result of the AFM GGA+U, with U = 2.8 eV and J = 0.2 eV.
The [hf] directory contains the codes for the Hartree-Fock (HF, static mean-field) calculations.
[codes]: The codes for the HF approach.
[example]: The result of the AFM HF, with U = 1.7 eV and J = 0.2 eV.
The [arXiv-1902.04436] directory contains the manuscript and the figures for the arXiv. (data used in Supplement): : Data for figs. (agr, dat, gnu, ...) for Fig 2, 4, 5, S1, S2, and : Converged Hartree-Fock results for every U & J_H values. converged DMFT results