The seismic data sample the oceanic lithosphere extending between the Romanche Transform Fault to the Charcot Fracture Zone. Reflection (multichannel seismic - MCS data), we provide are sorted as CMP gathers that were used to produce seismic sections for imaging layer 2A. The data were collected during two experiments, using different survey geometries: 1) ILAB_SPARC_CMP.segy (in 5 parts): collected during ILAB_SPARC experiment conducted aboard N/O Pourquoi Pas? in Fall 2018, sample the region south of the Chain Fracture Zone. The maximum source-receiver offset is ~6 km. Note that the provided data were interpolated only in the shot domain (data fold 40). 2) TransAtlantic_CMP.segy (provided in two parts): collected during iLAB TransAtlantic survey aboard M/V Western Trident in Spring 2015. The data sample the region between the Chain Fracture ZOne and Romanche Transform Fault. The maximum source-receiver offset provided is ~ 6 km.