Timely and specific regulation of gene expression is critical for plant responses to environmental and developmental cues. Transcriptional coregulators have emerged as important factors in gene expression control, although they lack DNA-binding domains and the mechanisms by which they are recruited to and function at the chromatin are poorly understood. Plant Topless-related 1 (TPR1), belonging to a family of transcriptional corepressors found across eukaryotes, contributes to immunity signaling in Arabidopsis thaliana and wild tobacco. We performed chromatin immunoprecipitation and sequencing (ChIP-seq) on an Arabidopsis TPR1-GFP expressing transgenic line to characterize genome-wide TPR1-chromatin associations. The analysis revealed ~1400 genes bound by TPR1, with the majority of binding sites located at gene upstream regions. Among the TPR1 bound genes, we find not only regulators of immunity but also genes controlling growth and development. To support further analysis of TPR1-chromatin complexes and other transcriptional corepressors in plants, we provide two ways to access the processed ChIP-seq data and enable their broader use by the research community. This collection contains 1) input-normalized ChIP-seq data in the bigwig format (TAIR10) that can be used to visualize TPR1-GFP association with chromatin in the IGV browser; 2) alignment bam and respective bai index files that should be used as input for R scripts to produce metaplots for TPR1 association with genes of interest; the respective R scripts and a guide how to use are provided in Github repository https://github.com/rittersporn/Griebel_TPR1_bioRxiv_Apr2020