Inorganic carbon and geochemistry measurements from landfast sea ice in Resolute Passage, Nunavut, Canada, as part of the Arctic-ICE project, May - June 2010


We conducted a six-week investigation of the sea ice inorganic carbon system during the winter-spring transition in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago. Samples for the determination of sea ice geochemistry were collected in conjunction with physical and biological parameters as part of the 2010 Arctic-ICE (Arctic - Ice-Covered Ecosystem in a Rapidly Changing Environment) program, a sea ice-based process study in Resolute Passage, Nunavut. The goal of Arctic-ICE was to determine the physical-biological processes controlling the timing of primary production in Arctic landfast sea ice and to better understand the influence of these processes on the drawdown and release of climatically active gases. The field study was conducted from 1 May to 21 June, 2010.

Project: Arctic-ICE (Arctic-Ice in a Changing Environment) 2010, Resolute Bay, Nunavut, Canada

Related Identifier References
Metadata Access
Creator Brown, Kristina Anne (ORCID: 0000-0002-5853-908X); Miller, Lisa Ann; Mundy, Christopher John; Papakyriakou, Tim N ORCID logo; Francois, Roger; Gosselin, Michel ORCID logo; Carnat, Gauthier; Swystun, Kyle; Tortell, Philippe Daniel ORCID logo
Publisher PANGAEA
Contributor Centre for Earth Observation Science, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Publication Year 2010
Rights Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported;
OpenAccess true
Resource Type Publication Series of Datasets; Collection
Format application/zip
Size 5 datasets
Discipline Earth System Research
Spatial Coverage (-95.260W, 74.706S, -95.194E, 74.710N); Resolute Passage, Nunavut
Temporal Coverage Begin 2010-05-08T00:00:00Z
Temporal Coverage End 2010-06-19T18:17:39Z