Wicking through complex interfaces at interlacing yarns


Raw, reconstructed and segmented data and first processing step of X-ray tomographic microscopy (XTM) on wicking in yarns. The data collection contains the recorded (raw) projection images for sequential tomographic scans stored as hdf5 files in the folder "raw_data". Reconstructions are provided as tiff stacks per time step in "reconstructed_data". Finally, post-processed data as used for the adjunct article are included in "processed_data" as netcdf4 files and segmented fibers as tif-stacks. Image processing was performed with the python codes available on github.com/Pescatore23/TOMCAT_processing. The processed data and processing codes are provided as is to serve as example. Data were collected and reconstructed at the TOMCAT beamline X02DA of the Swiss Light Source.

DOI https://doi.org/10.16907/b638b0f7-b8ab-4b10-8950-fa7a61e8e2b8
Metadata Access https://doi.psi.ch/oaipmh/oai?verb=GetRecord&metadataPrefix=oai_dc&identifier=10.16907/b638b0f7-b8ab-4b10-8950-fa7a61e8e2b8
Creator Christian M. Schlepütz
Publisher PSI
Publication Year 2023
Rights Available to the public.
OpenAccess true
Contact PSI
Resource Type Dataset
Discipline ['Life Sciences', 'Biology', 'Basic Biological and Medical Research']