Cases of the complements of Finnish verbs. The data is useful for natural language generation (NLG). The data is described in the following paper, which should also be cited if this data is used:
Hämäläinen, Mika and Rueter, Jack 2018. Development of an Open Source Natural Language Generation Tool for Finnish. In Proceedings of the Fourth International Workshop on Computational Linguistics of Uralic Languages, 51–58.
The file contains a list of Finnish verbs from the Finnish Internet Parsebank, these have been lemmatized and filtered by part-of-speech with Omorfi. For each verb, there is a list of grammatical cases together with how many times that case has occurred with a syntactic relation to the verb on the right context of the verb.
Essentially, this data can be used to see the most typical direct object case (partitive, genitive, elative..) for each Finnish verb. The data can also indicate whether the verb can take an indirect object as well or not.
This data is important for NLG tasks. One could learn to predict if a verb can take a direct object or also an indirect object.
This data has been used to generate poems in Finnish:
Hämäläinen, M. (2018). Harnessing NLG to Create Finnish Poetry Automatically. In F. Pachet, A. Jordanous, & C. León (Eds.), Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Computational Creativity (pp. 9-15). Salamanca: Association for Computational Creativity (ACC).