These data repository is a tar.gz containing:
Data: sbml files retrieved from BiGG database, some specific data such as objectives reaction or targeted metabolites from objective reaction, sbml normalised file after Seed2LP normalisation
Results: all results obtains from the benchmark to get the data visualisation and analyses used on the Paper Seed2LP. Additional results have been produced in v2 of datasets.
Tools: 3 tools needed to compute the results
Precursor (, licence GNU GPL V3)
N2PComp (which integrate NetSeedPerl and run both Precursor and Netseed. Netseed has the licence licence GNU GPL V3 and originates from publication 10.1093/bioinformatics/btr721
This repo does not contain the notebooks to execute the run in order to get the results, or to visualise data. These notebooks are available on github :