The LTER IAFA site has been running since 1999 and was the first long-term ecological research site in the Amazon. It is situated north of Manaus, central Amazon and includes three sub-sites, with undisturbed terra-firme forest (Reserva Ducke), selective logging (ZF-2 Forest Management Station), and forest fragmentation (Biological Dynamics of forest fragments – BDFFP sites) spread over around 30 x 30 km landscape. Both logging and fragmentation were carried out as controlled experiments to test their effects on biodiversity and ecosystem processes, and thus to outline recommendations for management. The 3 research areas together have 156 permanent monitoring plots, both terrestrial and aquatic, as well as grids of trails for large-scale process monitoring. The information produced has been stored on a public website ( where anyone can search data and metadata about the research, as well as the list of publications and all the educational material ( books, identification guides, training course materials) for download.