Local ship speed reduction effect on black carbon emissions measured at remote marine station


Datasets and R code for reproduction of research article submitted to Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 27th November 2023.

211 ship exhaust gas plumes were measured for black carbon and carbon dioxide concentrations at the remote marine station on Utö island in the SouthWestern Finnish archipelago. Wind speed and direction were used to calculate the ship's position at the time of emitting the measured plume. Ship dynamic information (ship identification, speed, heading and course) was received with the Automatic Identification System (AIS) receiver. Main engine power and load were calculated using methods described by Hollenbach (1998) and Kwon (2009) utilising speed over ground, ship details and meteorological parameters.

File "uto_dataset.csv" contains data for each measured ship exhaust gas plume (211 in total).

Column "Plume" is the plume identifier Column "shipSpeed" is the vessel speed over ground in knots at the time emitting the plume received through AIS receiver Column "shipTrueHeading" is the vessel heading in degrees from North Column "shipCoG" is the ship course over ground in degrees from North Column "shipLat" is the latitude position of the vessel in degrees Column "shipLon" is the longitude position of the vessel in degrees Column "windSpeed" is the true wind speed measured at the time of measuring the plume in metres per second Column "windDir" is the true wind direction measured at the time of measuring the plume in degrees Column "scrubber" is binary value indicating if the measured vessel is fitted with Exhaust Gas Cleaning System (EGCS) Column "width" is the width of the ship in metres Column "length" is the length of the ship in metres Column "draught" is ship actual draught in metres received through AIS Column "Ddraught" is the ship design draught in metres Column "buildYear" is the year the ship entered service Column "shipType" is the vessel type Column "scrubberModel" is the ship EGCS model as in IMO GISIS database Column "mainEngine" is the ship main engine manufacturer Column "mePower" is the ship total installed main engine power in kilowatts Column "meStroke" is the ship main engine stroke Column "serviceSpeed" is the ship service speed in knots Column "deBC" is the measured mass concentration of black carbon in the plume in µg/m3 in STP conditions Column "BGeBC" is the measured background mass concentration of black carbon in µg/m3 in STP conditions Column "areaeBC" is the integrated mass concentration of black carbon in the plume in µg/m3 in STP conditions Column "dCO2" is the measured concentration of carbon dioxide in the plume in ppm in STP conditions Column "BGCO2" is the measured background mass concentration of carbon dioxide in STP conditions Column "areaCO2" is the integrated mass concentration of carbon dioxide in the plume in µg/m3 in STP conditions Column "durationInSeconds" is the duration of the plume in seconds Column "load" is the modelled main engine load as a fraction of total engine power Column "conf" is the modelled number of main engines online Column "Sload" is the modelled main engine load as a fraction of total engine power with meteorological impact Column "sconf" is the modelled number of main engines online with meteorological impact Column "Vessel" is the vessel identifier

File "shipload_df.csv" contains modelled engine load data for a selection of measured vessels Column "Speed" is the vessel speed over ground in knots Column "Load" is the modelled main engine load as fraction of total engine power Column "Ship" is the ship identifier Column "Power" is the modelled main engine power in kilowatts

Files "roro1.csv", "roro2.csv", "ropax.csv", "cruise.csv" and "tanker.csv" contain modelled main engine load and fuel consumption of 5 selected vessels.

Column "Speed" is the ship speed over ground in knots Column "Power" is the modelled main engine power in kilowatts Column "Load" is the modelled main engine load as a fraction of total main engine power Column "Engines" is the number of main engines online Column "Propellers" is the number of propellers used for propulsion Column "dSpeed" is the ship service speed Column "fuelcons" is the modelled main engine fuel consumption in grams per second

File "uto_Rscript.R" contains the R code used in the statistical analyses for the research article.

DOI https://doi.org/10.57707/fmi-b2share.b5d1040569394d498d5456435f5a5226
Source https://fmi.b2share.csc.fi/records/b5d1040569394d498d5456435f5a5226
Metadata Access https://fmi.b2share.csc.fi/api/oai2d?verb=GetRecord&metadataPrefix=eudatcore&identifier=oai:fmi.b2share.csc.fi:b2rec/b5d1040569394d498d5456435f5a5226
Creator Heikkilä, Mikko; Luoma, Krista; Grönholm, Tiia; Mäkelä, Timo
Instrument Magee Scientific AE33 aethalometer; Biosciences LI-7000 LI-COR infrared gas analyser
Publisher Finnish Meteorological Institute
Publication Year 2023
Rights CC-BY; info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
OpenAccess true
Contact mikko.heikkila(at)fmi.fi
Language English
Resource Type Dataset
Format R; csv
Size 262.7 kB; 8 files
Discipline Environmental science
Spatial Coverage (21.370 LON, 59.780 LAT); Utö
Temporal Coverage 2026-05-19T21:34:00.000Z 2014-10-20T08:55:00.000Z