IN MEDIA WE TRUST – A Solution to Disinformation and Fake News


The audiences face many risks coming from disinformation and fake news. In this study we will analyze the impact of disinformation and fake news in Albanian Audiences during the Ukraine-Russia war and we will find out the solutions given from the Albanian audiences and Albanian journalists in fighting these phenomena. We will see how the Albanian have audiences reacted on the information received from the international and national media, what media narratives were disseminated and how endangered these audiences were. We will investigate the role of Albanian journalists and what would be their recommendations to minimize the spread of disinformation in times crises. Do we trust the media? What is the main and immediate solution to fight disinformation and fake news during crises? What about other solutions? By means of a qualitative content analysis in the Albanian media (mainstream and social) and 2 online questionnaires on Albanian audiences (N 387) and Albanian journalists (N 42) we find that Albanian audiences have been confronted with disinformation and fake news and in order to fight disinformation and fake news primarily it is needed that media and journalists increase their professional level.

Metadata Access
Creator Valmora Gogo
Publication Year 2023
Rights Creative Commons; info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
OpenAccess true
Contact valmoragogo(at)
Format docx
Size 85.0 kB; 1 file
Discipline 5.10.1 → Journalism, media studies and communication → Journalism