Py4HIP is an open-source software tool for Heat-In-Place calculations implemented as a self-explanatory Jupyter notebook written in Python (Py4HIP.ipynb)
Calculating the Heat In Place (HIP) is a standard method for assessing the geothermal potential for a defined geological unit (e.g., Nathenson, 1975; Muffler and Cataldi, 1978; Garg and Combs, 2015).
The respective implementation in Py4HIP is based on a volumetric quantification of contained energy after Muffler and Cataldi (1978), where the geological unit at hand is considered spatially variable in terms of its temperature, thickness, porosity, density and volumetric heat capacity of its solid and fluid (brine) components. The energy values provided by Py4HIP as ASCII lists and map representations correspond to the stored energy in J/m^2.
Py4HIP requires Python >= 3.5, JupyterLab, and uses the following packages:
• numpy
• pandas
• pathlib (for creating folders)
• matplotlib (for plotting figures)