Processing results from drill hole AMIGE-1993-219 drilled in the Barents Sea, Central Rise (Murmansk)


Reasons for drilling: 1. Obtaining information on the geological section of Pleistocene and Holocene sediments;2. Study of properties, composition and lithologic-facial features of the sediments.3. Reconstruction of paleoecological conditions within the Barents and Kara Sea shelf during Cenozoic.Technical results:The hole has penetrated the section of 19 m and stopped in pre-Pleistocene sediments.Hole description and results:1. Comprehensive lithologic and paleontological studies of drill samples from the hole have allowed to reveal lithologic features and to carry out a lithologic and stratigraphic sequence of sediments and sedimentary deposits from pre-Pleistocene to Holocene ones.2. Thicknesses of the units are as followed: pre-Pleistocene (Cenozoic) ñ 6.4 m, Pleistocene ñ 6.9 m, Holocene ñ 5.7 m.3. The units are heterogeneous. The pre-Pleistocene mottled deposits (from 19.0 to 12.6 m) comprise light gray sand, gray weakly lithified sandstone, and dark gray siltstone. The latter dominates. Small shelly detritus also occurs in the unit. The overlain Pleistocene sediments in the interval from 12.6 to 5.7 m have a sharp contact with the pre-Pleistocene deposits. They comprise dark gray morainic clay loam (diamicton) with pebbly and gravelly inclusions; clayey and silty materials dominate. The Holocene sediments (from 5.7 to 0.0 m) are divided to two layers. The lower layer in the interval from 5.7 to 1.3 m is composed of dark gray clayey material (clayey material dominates) without lamination; in the roof it is enriched in flow rolls, in lower horizons rare rudaceous material occurs. The upper layer in the interval from 1.3 to 0 m is composed of greenish-gray clayey mud with dominated clayey and silty particles; polychaeta tubes occur in the layer.

Metadata Access
Creator Kosheleva, Vera A; Bondarev, Vladimir N
Publisher PANGAEA
Contributor All-Russian Research Institute for Geology and Mineral Resources of the World Ocean, St. Petersburg
Publication Year 1993
Rights Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported;
OpenAccess true
Resource Type Publication Series of Datasets; Collection
Format application/zip
Size 4 datasets
Discipline Earth System Research
Spatial Coverage (41.333 LON, 74.917 LAT); Barents Sea