A total of 236 dry sediment samples with an average weight of 5-15 g were sampled every second cm from the studied core to investigate species distribution in the pollen assemblages. More than 300 pollen grains were calculated for species identification using a MICMED 6 microscope with amplification of 480x. Pollen grains were scarce in the core's lower part's sediment; however, the quantity required for statistical analysis was found in the core's upper part at 291 cm. Accordingly, species pollen compositions were determined for 81 samples, which is the required number of grains for statistical analysis. Sample preparation for spore-pollen analysis was carried out according to standard methods, with treatment with 10% KOH followed by separation with a heavy liquid. The pollen groups of trees and shrubs, herbaceous plants, and spores were calculated as proportions of the total number of detected pollen microfossils, and the percentages of taxa within the tree, shrub, and spore groups were determined.