Replication Data for: Los vocativos contraculturales: cambios paradigmáticos y difusión hasta el español coloquial actual


Dataset abstract:

The two data files in this dataset contain the annotated data used to conduct the Apparent-Time and micro-diachronic analysis presented in the paper "Vocativos contraculturales: cambios paradigmáticos y difusión hasta el español coloquial actual". The first data file contains 1107 tokens of a carefully selected set of vocatives, including the most productive Spanish countercultural "cheli slang" vocatives 'tío/-a', 'tronco/-a', 'chaval-/a', 'colega', 'socio/-a', 'pibe/-a' y 'titi', in addition to the more general ones 'chico/-a', 'guapo/-a' and 'macho/-a'. These were extracted from CORMA, a conversational corpus of peninsular Spanish, recorded between 2016 and 2019, in order to conduct the Apparent-Time analysis.

The second data file contains 832 tokens of the same vocatives, retrieved from different corpora of conversational peninsular Spanish recorded between the 80s and the first decade of the 21st century, in order to conduct the complementary micro-diachronic analysis.

The data from the first data file are annotated for (i) form and (ii) generation of the speaker, while the data from the second data file are annotated for (i) form, (ii) corpus, and (iii) decade.

Article abstract:

The present study aims to explore the diffusion, and its underlying factors, of the most emblematic vocatives of the Spanish countercultural cheli slang in the decades after the countercultural boom. By adopting an empirical approach, we examine how the leading vocatives from the cheli paradigm (e.g. tío/-a ‘dude/girl’) have spread in colloquial Spanish over the last fifty years, in contrast with a selection of vocatives marked by a more general meaning and usage (e.g. chico/-a ‘boy/girl’). Special attention will be paid to changes in productivity of the analyzed forms. To this end, we analyze data from different corpora of spoken Spanish, namely CORLEC (90s), COLAm (2000s), and CORMA (2016-2019), which represent data from different decades. These corpus data are combined with documentary materials. Results suggest that the semantic features, as well as the expressive power of the vocatives under scrutiny, play a crucial role in their trajectory until recent years.

MS Excel, Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2016

Metadata Access
Creator De Latte, Fien ORCID logo
Publisher DataverseNO
Contributor De Latte, Fien; Ghent University; Prof. Dr. Renata Enghels; Prof. Dr. Ana Llopis Cardona; The Tromsø Repository of Language and Linguistics
Publication Year 2023
Funding Reference Fonds Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Vlaanderen (FWO), 3F005719
Rights CC0 1.0; info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess;
OpenAccess true
Contact De Latte, Fien (Ghent University)
Resource Type annotated corpus data; Dataset
Format text/plain; text/comma-separated-values
Size 8596; 12643; 17483
Version 1.0
Discipline Humanities