This table contains the RXTE Mission-Long Source Catalog. It is generated from the RXTE Mission-Long Data Products, which are based on the standard data products (StdProds) from the PCA and HEXTE, for over 200 sources that have been observed many times with RXTE during its mission. Please refer to the <a href="/docs/xte/recipes/mllc_start.html">RXTE GOF documentation</a> for more information. This database table, first created in April 2008, contains the RXTE Mission-Long Source Catalog created by <a href="/docs/xte/xte_1st.html">RXTE GOF</a>. The catalog is updated by the RXTE GOF on a monthly basis; this HEASARC Browse table will be updated within one week of any updates made by the RXTE GOF. This is a service provided by NASA HEASARC .