Soil properties, carbon composition, microbial community, and potential CO2 production from a typical thaw slump on the northern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau


Rapid warming of permafrost regions leads to the widespread development of thaw slumps and accelerates the decomposition and release of soil organic carbon. Yet, how the evolution of thaw slump affects carbon dioxide (CO2) release remains unclear. This dataset presents soil properties, carbon composition, microbial community, and potential CO2 production from a typical thaw slump located in the northeastern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau (37°28′N, 100°17′E, 3597m). In the field, we set up a control area and three collapse areas (including 1, 12, and 23 years of collapse) along the thaw sequence. In each plot, we set up three quadrats (~4 m × 5 m) along a diagonal line. Three replicates of topsoil (0–15 cm) and subsoil (15–30 cm) were collected from each quadrate and mixed by depth as one composite sample for subsequent analyses. The soil sampling was carried out in July 2020. Each of the collected soil samples was divided into three subsamples after sieving (2-mm mesh) and removal of stones, root fragments, and plant material. The first subsample was stored at −80 °C for biomarker phospholipid fatty acids (PLFAs) and enzyme activities analysis, the second subsample used laboratory incubation, and the third subsample was air-dried to determine soil physical and chemical properties, including soil moisture, texture, pH, SOC content, total nitrogen content, stable carbon isotopes, and carbon composition; this data is presented here. All samples were further analyzed for potential CO2 production rate and cumulative CO2 release using aerobic incubations for 189 days at 10 °C.

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Metadata Access
Creator Mu, Mei ORCID logo; Mu, Cuicui
Publisher PANGAEA
Publication Year 2025
Funding Reference Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities Crossref Funder ID lzujbky-2023-eyt01 ; Gansu Provincial Science and Technology Department Crossref Funder ID 23JRRA1171, 23ZDFA017 ; Institute of Tibetan Plateau Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences ROR 2019QZKK0605 Second Tibetan Plateau Scientific Expedition and Research Program (STEP); National Natural Science Foundation of China Crossref Funder ID 42371132, 42161160328
Rights Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International;
OpenAccess true
Resource Type Bundled Publication of Datasets; Collection
Format application/zip
Size 4 datasets
Discipline Earth System Research
Spatial Coverage (100.283W, 37.467S, 100.866E, 38.020N)