Here we present sedimentological, micro- and macropalaeontological, inorganic and organic geochemical, palaeomagnetic, and geochronological data as well as X-ray computer-tomography (CT) imagery obtained from successional drill cores 9R and 10R at MARUM-MeBo70 Site PS104_20-2 (73.57°S, 107.09°W; 946 m water depth). The site is located within the Pine Island cross-shelf trough in the Amundsen Sea Embayment (ASE), West Antarctica (Fig. 1a) and was part of RV Polarstern Expedition PS104 in 2017.
Supplement to: Biskaborn, Boris K; Nazarova, Larisa B; Pestryakova, Luidmila A; Syrykh, Luidmila S; Funck, Kim; Meyer, Hanno; Chapligin, Bernhard; Vyse, Stuart Andrew; Gorodnichev, Ruslan; Zakharov, Evgenii S; Wang, Rong; Schwamborn, Georg; Bailey, Hannah; Diekmann, Bernhard (2019): Spatial distribution of environmental indicators in surface sediments of Lake Bolshoe Toko, Yakutia, Russia. Biogeosciences, 16(20), 4023-4049