The Toba caldera is located in
north Sumatra, Indonesia. It is part of the volcanic arc associated with
the subduction of the Australian Plate beneath the Southeast-Asian
Plate. The subduction zone, and the Sumatra Fault, a right lateral
strike-slip fault which marks the plate boundary, are seismically
active. In order to investigate the volcano-related seismic activity and
image the volcano related structures (i.e. a potential magma chamber)
using ambient noise techniques a dense seismic network was installed
around Lake Toba between May and October 2008. The network, deployed
within a German-Indonesian cooperation, comprised 42 continuously
recording seismic stations equipped with three-component, short-period
seismic sensors with 1 Hz natural frequency. The GPS-synchronised data
loggers recorded at 100 samples per second for the experiment's time span
of 6 months. During this time period local and regional seismicity was
recorded. The array of stations covers an area of approx. 150 by 200 km
with inter-station distances of about 20 km. The station distribution is
quite irregular due to the difficult environmental conditions. Data from
all stations are freely available from the GFZ seismological data