This repository contains modeled temperatures for the 2018 July heatwave, used in the paper titled " Comparison of physically based and empirical modelling of urban heat island during a heatwave"
HERC151_2507_3107_UTC0_006_turku_temp_level_2.grib contains 2 m temperatures at 750 m resolution modeled with the numerical weather prediction model HARMONIE-AROME, for 25.7.-31.7.2018 at 0:00 UTC+0. The modeled area contains the city of Turku and surrounding areas.
Data_used_in_TURCLIM_model_calibration_and_spatialisation.xlsx contains data used in calibration and spatialisation of the multiple linear regression model called TURCLIM.
TURCLIM_model_temperatures_250718_to_310718_2am_100m_resolution.xlsx contains temperatures at 100 m resolution modeled with the multiple linear regression model called TURCLIM , for 25.7.-31.7.2018 at 2am local normal time (0:00 UTC+0.) The modeled area contains the city of Turku and surrounding areas.