UiT The Arctic University of Norway (UiT) and the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) established a light observatory at Kings Bay, Ny-Ålesund (Svalbard, Norway) in January 2017. The observatory consists of an array of light sensors including an all sky camera. It is located outside the settlement of Ny-Ålesund, approximately 1 km N-NW of the airport towards Brandalspynten. The array of sensors is mounted on a tripod under a transparent dome. This dataset contains the data of the hyperspectral radiometer USSIMO (In-situ Marine Optics, Perth, WA, Australia). It is equipped with a Zeiss MMS1 UV-VIS NIR detector with National Institute of Standards and Technology, USA traceable radiometric calibration between 380 and 900 nm. This instrument is used for time-series measurement of down-welling spectral irradiance in energy Wm-2 nm-1. Spectral resolution is 10 nm (3.3 nm pixel spacing) and a cosine-corrected polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) light diffusor with cosine error: <3% (0 - 60°), <10% (60 - 87.5°), is fitted. The device acquired measurements with a 16 bit analogue to digital converter. It samples continuously internally. Integration time is controlled by the sensor depending on the light intensity, with a maximum of 6 seconds. Actual integration time is stored with the data in each sample. The sensor output is saved on a PC with custom software which records 30 seconds of output data every 29:30 min. Number of samples collected in that period depends on the USSIMO integration time. The sensor is equipped with a pitch and roll sensor which is used to ensure that the spectroradiometer remains in the fixed position throughout the time-series acquisition. This dataset contains the 2020 data.