Hallstätter Glacier - Austria

The Hallstätter Glacier is the largest glacier in the northern Limestone Alps. The Hallstätter Glacier is oriented to the northeast and is bordered by Rock walls. The Large plateau above 2550 m.a.s.l. is connected by three short tongues. The largest altitude zone in terms of area is between 2550 m and 2600m. The highest point of the glacier is at 2905 m, the lowest point is on 2240 m. With an area of 2.623 km² (glacier boundary 2020), the glacier lost half of its extent compared to the glacier peak in 1856. In the past 10years, the area has increased by around 13 %.

Source https://deims.org/2f8d9e1c-96e4-41fe-9754-c858883230f9
Related Identifier https://deims.org/api/sites/2f8d9e1c-96e4-41fe-9754-c858883230f9
Related Identifier https://deims.org/geoserver/deims/wms?service=WMS&version=1.1.0&request=GetMap&layers=deims:deims_all_sites&styles=&bbox=-180,-90,180,90&width=768&height=363&srs=EPSG:4326&format=application/openlayers
Metadata Access https://deims.org/pycsw/catalogue/csw?service=CSW&version=2.0.2&request=GetRecordById&Id=2f8d9e1c-96e4-41fe-9754-c858883230f9&outputSchema=http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmd
Creator Andrea Fischer
Publisher DEIMS-SDR
Contributor DEIMS-SDR Site and Dataset registry deims.org
Publication Year 2022
Rights No conditions apply to access and use; no limitations to public access
OpenAccess true
Contact andrea.fischer(at)oeaw.ac.at
Version 3.2.1
Discipline Environmental Monitoring
Spatial Coverage (13.551W, 47.475S, 13.672E, 47.594N)