This dataset contains the results of a literature analysis on the potential future water demand of bioenergy plantations and for contextualization that of other water use sectors. For the bioenergy scenarios, it also contains the following parameters/assumptions of the studies included:
type of study, modeling framework, bioenergy feedstock, land-type converted to biocrops, whether global maps for bioenergy locations are included, whether withdrawal or consumption is reported, type of water (blue/green/gray), simulation year for which data is extracted, carbon conversion efficiency (c_eff), plantation area, provided bioenergy and/or NEs (depending on study type) and the associated freshwater requirements
Literature Analysis following a Query on WebOfScience and SCOPUS:
("BECCS" OR "bioenergy production" OR "bioenergy cultivation" OR "bioenergy crop" OR "biomass production" OR "biomass plantation")
AND (( "water" AND ("use" OR "demand" OR "consumption" OR "withdrawal")) OR "irrigation")
AND ("global")
NOT ("algae" OR "algal" OR "electrofuels")