Version History:
15 June 2020:Initial release of the data. Note that the initial version number is 0002 in order to reflect the consistent data processing of this data set and Version 0002 of the data set Sasgen et al. (2019,
GRACE/GRACE-FO Level-3 products based on COST-G RL01 Level-2B products (Dahle & Murböck, 2020) representing ice-mass changes for the Antarctic Ice Sheet (AIS) and the Greenland Ice Sheet (GIS). The ice-mass changes are provided both as basin average product and as gridded product.
Basin-average ice-mass changes are obtained using the inversion procedure based on a forward modelling approach as described in Sasgen et al. (2013) for the AIS and Sasgen et al. (2012) for the GIS.
Gridded ice-mass changes are provided at polar-stereographic grids with a grid spacing of 50 x 50 km^2. The applied algorithm is based on tailored sensitivity kernels (Groh & Horwath, 2016), and has also been used to generate gravimetric mass balance products within the ESA Climate Change Initiative (CCI) projects for the AIS and the GIS.
These Level-3 products are visualized at GFZ's web portal GravIS ( to data products: