GRACE/GRACE-FO Level-3 product based on GFZ RL06 Level-2B products (Dahle & Murböck, 2019) and ITSG-Grace2018/ITSG-Grace_operational VDK3 filtered (citation) representing Terrestrial Water Storage (TWS) anomalies provided at 1° latitude-longitude grids as defined over all continental regions except Greenland and Antarctica. The TWS anomaly grids are provided in NetCDF format. The files each contain two different variables:
1) 'tws': gravity-based TWS
2) 'std_tws': gravity-based TWS uncertainties
This data set is basis of Boergens and Kvas (2021) and have been used in Boergens et al. (2021) to produce regional time series and their uncertainties, which can be reproduced with the code provided by Boergens (2021).