The new time series of GRACE and GRACE-FO monthly solution HUST-Grace2024 is recently developed at Huazhong University of Science and Technology. During retrieving our model, the reprocessed GRACE L1b RL03 data and GRACE-FO RL04 data are used, and the newly de-aliasing product AOD1B RL07 is applied. In addition, a hybrid processing chain is applied to improve the quality of final solutions. Further details are presented in Zhou et al. (2024).
This work is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 42074018, 41931074, 42061134007).
product_type: gravity_field
modelname: HUST-Grace2024-nLL-YYYYMM
generating institute: HuaZhong University of Science and Technology
earth_gravity_constant: 3.9860044150E+14
radius: 6.3781363000E+06
max_degree: LL
errors: formal
norm: fully_normalized
tide_system: zero_tide