Opinion of inhabitants of Den Helder about various aspects of the municipal policy. Living in Den Helder: type of house, willingness to move, living costs, rent subsidy, value of r.'s house / child care facilities / sorting of house garbage: glass, wastepaper, chemical garbage, etc. / frequency of visiting and appreciation of markets in Den Helder / contacts with police, appreciation of police / whether r. was a victim of one or more criminal offences / reporting of criminal offences / chances to become a victim / safety problems in own neighbourhood / visiting and appreciation of the central information office of the municipality at the townhall / frequency of visiting, appreciation, accessibility, and safety of the centre of Den Helder / visiting other cities in North-Holland / participation in artistic and creative activities / r.'s opinion about facilities in and municipal care for own neighbourhood / appreciation of own neighbourhood / r.'s opinion about the municipal policy. Background variables: basic characteristics/ residence/ household characteristics/ occupation/employment/ income/capital assets/ education/ politics