This set of data is obtained by André Harder during his experiments on the progression of voltage induced bearing damages. The experiments were made on the bearing test rig at the Institute of Product development and Machine Elements of the Technical University of Darmstadt in the time between December 2021 and March 2022. Thrust ball bearings were tested to investigate the damage progression on the bearing surface without destroying the bearing. The experiment was designed as a fractional factorial design with 16 test. The test parameters for each test run can be fount in the file 'InputData.mat'. Each of the tests (V01-V16) consists of a run-in phase without harmful electric currents (M000) and four damaging phases with harmful currents (M001-M004). The here shown data is seperated in 3 domains, the D-domain contains the data tracked by the test rig during the tests. It is tracked with one datapoint per second and contains among others the information on the applied forces, the rotation speed, the temperature and the RMS of the axial and radial vibration. After each damage phase the test rig was dismounted, the bearings were photographed (P-domain) and the surface was scanned with an white light interferometer (S-domain). The surfaces were scanned at four points (N,O,S,W, in analogy to a compass). Further while the scan after the last damage phase was obtained on the actual bearing surface (O), the scans of the other damage phases were made with replica of the bearing surfaces (R). So e.g. 'V02M003_SOR.sur' is the scanned surface of test run V02 after the damage phase M003 at the O-position of the replica.
Additionally, this set of data contains the evaluated surface properties from the scans. This properties were obtained with the software Mountains Maps 8 and are saved in the file 'ScanData.mat'. Finally, the Photographies were used for a study to grade the damage state of the bearing surfaces. The results of this study are saved in the file 'StudyData.mat'.