Model data for "A model study on investigating the sensitivity of aerosol forcing on the volatilities of semi-volatile organic compounds" by Irfan et al


This dataset contains simulation results from global aerosol-climate model ECHAM-SALSA. These simulations were performed to study the sensitivity of simulated SOA mass, CCN and radiative forcings to the assumed volatility distributions of biogenic SOA precursor species. The study employed volatility basis set (VBS) approach to represent and simulate SOA in the atmosphere. The study involved a comparative analysis between finely resolved 9-bin VBS setup with a simplified 3-bin VBS setup. It also included how the SOA mass, CCN and radiative forcing are sensitive to the volatitility of individual VBS bins.

Global scale aerosol-climate model simulations were performed using ECHAM-SALSA. We performed three diferent simulations each using 9-bin and 3-bin VBS setups with the volatilities increased (VBSx10) and decreased (VBSx0.1) by one-order of magnitude with respect to the original volatility (VBSx1). Another set of six different simuations were performed by increasing and decreasing the volatilities of one VBS bin at a time while keeping the original volatilities of other bins.

In this study, all the ECHAM-SALSA simulations used T63 spectral truncation and 47 hybrid sigma pressure levels in horizontal and vertical resolution respectively. Simulations were performed for the year 2010 with half a year spin-up. The data was simulated with 3-hourly output for the simulation period. We then calculated monthly means of the summer months from 3-hourly data for all the model values except CDNC. We used the the 3-hourly data to analyse CDNC from grids with cloud fraction ≥ 0.95. A detailed description of model simulations is given in the setup file of each simulation.

The external URL leads to a bucket containing setup files, the complete dataset (post-processed NETCDF files) presented in the manuscript, and the python scripts used for data analysis for each of the simulations.

Metadata Access
Creator Irfan, Muhammed; Kühn, Thomas; Holopainen, Eemeli; Kokkola, Harri
Publisher Finnish Meteorological Institute
Contributor Yli-Juuti, Taina; Laakso, Anton; Worsnop, Douglas R.; Virtanen, Annele
Publication Year 2023
Rights The MIT License (MIT); info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
OpenAccess true
Language English
Resource Type Dataset
Discipline Environmental science
Spatial Coverage Boreal region