Prep for Adventure: A game for the acquisition of English prepositions


The presented game is designed to teach the six most frequent English prepositions (to, of, in, for, on, and with) at the A1 to A2 levels of proficiency. Prep for Adventure is a single-player game comprised of five separate tasks – jumping puzzle, cooking, town maze, lighting the goblets, and a banter with a classmate. Their mechanics are then combined in the final task (The Final Fight) to elicit the correct responses of the subject.

The language used in the game is adjusted for the subjects’ level of proficiency, the game is fully voiced and offers a degree of customization. All tasks are based on the gap-filling type of exercise where subjects have to complete a sentence with a missing word, either by typing it in or via different kinds of multiple-choice formats. The game is designed to advance the subjects’ performance in prepositional structures by exposing players to as much input as possible.

The length of one average playthrough is approximately 30-45 minutes. The game was created in the RPG Maker MV engine where RPG stands for role-playing game, which is a genre of a game in which the player adopts a role/roles of a fictional character/characters in a (partly or fully) invented setting.

The game story: The Grammar School of Witchcraft has been taken over by the Evil Preposition Magician and the player is trying to win their school back alongside with a young witch named Morphologina (the player’s guide).

Metadata Access
Creator Marková, Daniela
Publisher Charles University, Faculty of Arts, Department of English Language and ELT Methodology
Publication Year 2020
Rights The MIT License (MIT);; PUB
OpenAccess true
Contact lindat-help(at)
Language English
Resource Type toolService
Format text/plain; charset=utf-8; application/zip; application/pdf; downloadable_files_count: 2
Discipline Linguistics