Restoration of the lowland raised bog Hagenmoos (Switzerland): Data on vegetation, ecological indicator values and species richness from 1989 until 2020


This dataset includes data from three vegetation surveys in a restored raised bog (Hagenmoos) in the lowland of the canton of Zürich (Switzerland). The bog Hagenmoos was restored by cutting shrubs and trees within the formerly peat-cutting pits and by blocking drainages. The vegetation surveys were carried out before (1989), ten years after (1999) and 30 years after restoration (2020). In each vegetation survey, all vascular plant and bryophyte species within 72 permanent plots were recorded. Of these plots, 34 are located within the formerly peat-cutting pits and 38 are located outside the peat pits. Based on presence-absence data of vascular plants and bryophytes, mean ecological indicator and strategy values based on Landolt et al. (2010) were calculated and are provided in the Excel sheet. Indicator values for light, moisture, pH, nutrients, humus, temperature and continentality and strategy values for stress, competition and ruderality were considered. Furthermore, species richness for the following groups were calculated: (1) all plant species, (2) all vascular plant species, (3) bog specialists among vascular plant species, (4) all bryophyte species, (5) bog specialists among bryophyte species. As bog specialist species, we considered all plant species listed as characteristic species of raised bogs by Feldmeyer-Christe and Küchler (2018: Moore der Schweiz. Haupt, Bern).

Metadata Access
Creator Simone, Frei,; Norbert, Schnyder,; Ariel, Bergamini, ORCID logo
Publisher EnviDat
Publication Year 2021
Funding Reference WSL,
Rights wsl-data; WSL Data Policy
OpenAccess true
Contact envidat(at)
Language English
Resource Type Dataset
Version 1.0
Discipline Environmental Sciences
Spatial Coverage (8.518W, 47.234S, 8.525E, 47.237N); Switzerland, Canton of Zürich, 1 km North of Kappel am Albis
Temporal Coverage Begin 1989-06-01T00:00:00Z
Temporal Coverage End 2020-06-30T00:00:00Z