Data underlying the paper 'Effect of the use of a client-accessible youth health record on experienced autonomy among parents and adolescents in preventive child healthcare and youth care; a mixed methods intervention study.'

Intervention study, investigating the effect of use of a client-accessible electronic patient record for preventive child health and youth care (EPR-Youth) on experienced client autonomy and the role of professional autonomy-supportive behaviour in strengthening this effect. To evaluate effect of EPR-Use on client autonomy and the role of professional attitude in strengthening that autonomy, A mixed methods design combined baseline and follow-up questionnaires with focus group interviews, over a period of two years. Different samples of clients completed a questionnaire about experienced autonomy and portal use at start (1202 parents, 202 adolescents) and 12 months after implementation (914 parents, 89 adolescents). Professionals completed questionnaires about autonomy-supportive behaviour at baseline (N=100), after 5 months (N=57) and 24 months (N=110). After 14 months, focus group interviews were held with separate groups of clients (eight parents, four adolescents) and professionals (N=12).

Metadata Access
Creator Benjamins, S.J. ORCID logo; Vet, E.W.M.L. de ORCID logo; Jordaan, G. ORCID logo; Haveman-Nies, A. (ORCID: 0000-0002-3391-295X)
Publisher Wageningen University & Research
Contributor Wageningen University & Research
Publication Year 2023
Rights info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess; License:;
OpenAccess true
Language Dutch; Flemish
Resource Type Dataset
Format text/plain; sav; sps; PDF/A; application/x-cmdi+xml
Discipline Other
Spatial Coverage Netherlands; Gelderland; North Veluwe region