Friends in a Cold Climate: Udine-2a

Anna’s involvement with the Udinese Youth Association and the youth exchanges likely stemmed from her father's social connections and his acquaintance with the mayor of Udine, who was involved with the association. It's possible that schoolmates who were also participating in the exchanges may have influenced her decision to join.

Anna’s father was a conscripted soldier who became a prisoner of war during World War II, spending two years in a prison camp near Hamburg. He rarely discussed this and Anna didn't know much about what he went through. About 9 or 10 years after the war ended, he wanted to revisit the camp with my mother. He always emphasized that the civilian population had treated him well and he harbored no hatred or resentment towards the German people.

Anna participated in town-twinning exchanges four times and thoroughly enjoyed meeting young people from various countries. It was eye-opening to realize how similar they were, they shared the same songs, admired the same singers like the Beatles. However, perceptions about each other could be differend. Her host and friend Susan from Neath in Wales described Italy as a country of small towns where people seldom ventured outside, with many churches and constant bell ringing. She also believed at first that marriages in Italy were traditionally arranged by parents, attributing these ideas to depictions in Italian films circulating internationally. Anna, on her side, was particularly curious about the family that hosted her in Neath. The father, despite being a factory worker, carried himself like a gentleman with a pipe. He was kind and hospitable. This was quite different from my perception of a factory worker, especially in Italy.

After having been for two weeks in Neath, Anna records in her diary: “I don’t want to leave, what I regret most is to leave all these boys and girls that are now for me as old friends. Now we don’t care absolutely about nationality, we are all European! We are all friends, brothers. And, not to be rhetorical, but I really understand What it is: “Europism”! In 1968, Anna felt more mature and composed compared to her earlier experiences abroad. The real changes came for her after 1968 when she went to university, gained new experiences and knowledge, interacted with different people, and lived independently from my family. Her experiences of the exchanges was all before this historical moment of change.

Metadata Access
Creator de Jager MA, E. J.
Publisher Data Archiving and Networked Services (DANS)
Contributor Erik J. de Jager, Stichting Reis van de Razzia
Publication Year 2024
Rights info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess; License:;
OpenAccess true
Resource Type Dataset
Discipline History; Humanities