Seed Microbiota Database


This dataset compiles all the data of the Seed Microbiota Database associated to the publication Simonin et al. 2021 (BioRxiv) Seed microbiota revealed by a large-scale meta-analysis including 50 plant species. This database includes metabarcoding data from 63 seed microbiota studies on 50 plant species ( total of 3190 seed samples) based on 5 different molecular markers (16S rRNA gene - V4 region, 16S rRNA gene - V5-V6 region, gyrB gene, ITS1 region, ITS2 region). All the studies were re-processed from the fastq files (raw data) using DADA2 and Qiime2 and merged in 5 different datasets depending on the molecular marker targeted. The README file presents the structure of the database (Subsets) and files available.

This database can be queried online without downloading it on the Askomics instance : For a full access to the results, you can log to the Askomics instance with the following credentials: Username: consult Password: OcOU83D5

Metadata Access
Creator Simonin, Marie (ORCID: 0000-0003-1493-881X); Barret, Matthieu
Publisher Recherche Data Gouv
Contributor Simonin, Marie
Publication Year 2021
Rights etalab 2.0; info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess;
OpenAccess true
Contact Simonin, Marie (INRAE - l'Institut national de recherche pour l’agriculture, l’alimentation et l’environnement)
Resource Type Dataset
Format text/x-perl-script; text/plain; text/tab-separated-values; application/octet-stream
Size 4029; 3523; 602459; 268531; 355474; 3334; 9098177; 1147416; 6740401; 2094685; 225431; 2947221; 604956; 669069; 522200; 281519; 306978; 24713665; 1119621; 2013519; 425880; 460377; 10883343; 645696; 4321706; 93692; 63759; 8921883; 1478400; 74477956; 3107937; 7757247; 41729335; 190354; 2192343; 14460720; 237318; 2355470; 19467731; 509600; 1076587; 1716534; 9096207; 552246; 3642316; 87858; 57375
Version 2.1
Discipline Life Sciences; Plant Science; Microbial Ecology and Applied Microbiology