COAST-HF - data and metadata from the MOLIT buoy in the Vilaine Bay


The MOLIT (Mer Ouverte LITorale) measuring station developed and implemented by Ifremer (French Research Institute for Exploitation of the sea) is a moored buoy equipped with biological and physico-chemical sensors working in continuous and autonomous conditions. The system is located South of Brittany in the Vilaine Bay, one of the areas of the Atlantic coast most threatened by eutrophication. The buoy was deployed during the period of primary productivity, from March to October from 2011 to 2017 and has been deployed throughout the year since March 2018. The measuring station is equipped with high performance systems for seawater analysis and near real time data transmission. This station performs measurements at two levels : subsurface = LEVEL1 and bottom (1 m above the water-sediment interface) = LEVEL3. This system records with a high frequency resolution (one hour), the following parameters : sea temperature, practical salinity, dissolved oxygen, turbidity and fluorescence. The data were qualified into several levels : 0-No QC performed, 1-Good data, 2-Probably good data, 3-Probably bad data, 4-Bad data, 5-Value changed, 7-Nominal value, 8-Interpolated value, 9-Missing value. The quality level is indicated in the data file in a column “QC” for each parameter. Some fluorescence data has been corrected and appears in the “fluorescence adjusted” parameter. The information that led to the quality level are synthesized in an annual report qualification. The MOLIT station is a component of the national high frequency observing network COAST-HF ( from the ILICO research infrastructure (

Metadata Access
Creator Retho, Michael; Quemener, Loic; Le Gall, Christian; Repecaud, Michel; Souchu, Philippe; Gabellec, Raoul; Manach, Soazig
Publisher SEANOE
Publication Year 2022
Rights CC-BY-NC
OpenAccess true
Contact SEANOE
Resource Type Dataset
Discipline Marine Science