Replication Data for: The flow in the induction and entrance regions of lab-scale wind farms


This dataset contains all data necesary to produce the figures containing original data in the paper "The flow in the induction and entrance regions of lab-scale wind farms" . It contains particle image velocimetry (PIV) measurements of the induction and entrance region of lab-scale wind farms made of rotating wind turbine models and actuator disks. Both aligned and staggered layouts were used, for three different incoming wind directions (0, 15 and 30 degrees).

PUBLICATION ABSTRACT: With the increasing demand for wind energy, it is important to be able to understand and predict the available wind resources. To that end, the present wind tunnel study addresses the flow in the induction and entrance region of wind farms through Particle Image Velocimetry, with focus on differences between actuator disks and two-bladed rotating wind turbine models. Both staggered and aligned farm layouts are examined for three different incoming wind directions. For each layout, 69 disks or turbines are used, and the field of view ranges from 12 rotor diameters upstream of the farms to 8 diameters downstream of the first row. The results show that the induction, or blockage effect, is higher for the disks, even though the thrust (or drag) coefficient is the same. In contrast, the wake is stronger downstream of the turbines. The orientation and layout of the farm do not have a major impact on the results. Modal decomposition of the flow shows that the flow structure similarity between the disk and turbines improves downstream of the second row of wake generating objects, indicating that the substitution of wind turbines by actuator disks is more appropriate for wind farms than for the investigation of single wakes.

Metadata Access
Creator Vinnes, Magnus K. ORCID logo; Worth, Nicholas A. ORCID logo; Segalini, Antonio; Hearst, R. Jason ORCID logo
Publisher DataverseNO
Contributor Vinnes, Magnus K.; Hearst, R. Jason; Norwegian University of Science and Technology; NTNU Open Research Data
Publication Year 2023
Rights CC0 1.0; info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess;
OpenAccess true
Contact Vinnes, Magnus K. (NTNU - Norwegian University of Science and Technology); Hearst, R. Jason (NTNU - Norwegian University of Science and Technology)
Resource Type Experimental data; Dataset
Format text/plain; application/octet-stream; application/zip
Size 15914; 14710869; 3258; 1209; 35457; 233075; 566461; 350271; 123176; 155898; 801192; 10076; 1433241; 27467; 184541; 91465; 2953989
Version 1.0
Discipline Construction Engineering and Architecture; Engineering; Engineering Sciences; Natural Sciences; Physics
Spatial Coverage Trondheim, Norway