Dendrochronological analyses of tree core samples (IsoN) adjacent to LWF sites


Two stem core samples of 10 trees outside the plot of each main species in the plot were taken at breast height (1.3 m above ground) with a SUUNTO corer. Tree ring width and density were determined with the instruments CATRAS and TSAP, the Densitometer DENDRO 2003 and a stereo-microscope. The selected trees included at least 10 pre-dominant or dominant trees.


N and C stable isotope signals

Paper Citation:

  • Tomlinson, G., Siegwolf, R.T.W., Buchmann, N., Schleppi, P., Waldner, P., Weber, P., 2014. The mobility of nitrogen across tree-rings of Norway spruce (Picea abies L.) and the effect of extraction method on tree-ring d15N and d13C values. Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom. 28, 1258-1264.
Metadata Access
Creator Greg, Tomlinson,; Pascale, Weber,; Peter, Waldner,; Nina, Buchmann,; Rolf, Siegwolf,; Anne, Thimonier,; Maria, Schmitt,
Publisher EnviDat
Publication Year 2019
Funding Reference WSL,
Rights other-undefined; Other (Specified in the description)
OpenAccess true
Contact envidat(at)
Language English
Resource Type Dataset
Version 2019-03-06
Discipline Environmental Sciences
Spatial Coverage (6.658W, 46.584S, 8.713E, 47.400N); Alptal, Beatenberg, Bettlachstock, Lausanne, Othmarsingen, Vordemwald
Temporal Coverage Begin 2012-01-01T00:00:00Z
Temporal Coverage End 2018-12-31T00:00:00Z