Animations on the visualization of 3D geological models and their uncertainty


The digital animations accompany the article “On the visualization of 3D geological models and their uncertainty”, published in 2021 in the ZDGG - Journal of Applied and Regional Geology (doi:10.1127/zdgg/2020/0251). The aim is to showcase the different proposed visualization methods more clearly than was possible using the screenshots provided in the article. The animation in file "movie_01_VolRen_certain_as_in_figure_3_paraview" corresponds to Figure 3 in the article and shows an example of how a geological model would look that is rendered using volume rendering, when the rendering is done in the open source software Paraview. The animation in file "movie_02_VolRen_certain_as_in_figure_4_blender" corresponds to Figure 4 in the article and shows the same visualization, but using a software for digital production, the open source software Blender. In order to give an example of how such volume visualizations could be augmented with the information on the uncertainty, the animation "movie_03_VolRen_uncertain_as_in_figure_7_paraview" has been generated which corresponds to Figure 7 in the article. Finally, the animation "movie_04_vis_entenschnabel_certainuncertain_paraview" shows the 3D visualization of another geological model, fading between its certain and uncertain representation.

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Metadata Access
Creator Zehner, Björn
Publisher PANGAEA
Publication Year 2021
Funding Reference Horizon 2020 Crossref Funder ID 731166 GeoERA
Rights Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International;
OpenAccess true
Resource Type Dataset
Format application/zip
Size 112.4 MBytes
Discipline Earth System Research