Voting, fast and slow Ballot order and likability effects in the Five Star Movement's 2012 online primary election


This package contains data to replicate and extend a study on the 2012 Parlamentarie, the Five Star Movement primary elections used to identify prospective candidate MPs for the 2013 general elections. We investigate the effect of position on screen on the candidate rank in each electoral district and collected likability ratings for a sample of districts. We provide the dataset about the election, the dataset with the likability ratings (stripped of personal information about raters), the candidates' self-uploaded pictures (as a .zip file, after excluding those portraying multiple people, children, or sensitive information) and the R scripts to replicate the analysis. The experimental design and data management plan were approved by the Research Ethics and Data Management Committee (REDC) of the Tilburg School of Humanities and Digital Sciences (TSHD) of Tilburg University, code REDC2020.201.

R, 4.2

Data production method: The election dataset was crawled from the website where results of the primary election were published (under a CC-BY-NC-ND license). The website is no longer accessible but can be seen via a wayback machine at the following link: The likability ratings were obtained via an online survey hosted on Qualtrics and distributed via Prolific.

Related Identifier
Metadata Access
Creator Cassani, Giovanni ORCID logo; Marolla, Francesco ORCID logo; Maineri, Angelica M. ORCID logo; Tagliabue, Jacopo ORCID logo
Publisher DataverseNL
Contributor Cassani, Giovanni; DataverseNL
Publication Year 2022
Rights CC-BY-4.0; info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess;
OpenAccess true
Contact Cassani, Giovanni (Tilburg University)
Resource Type Survey data (a dataset about the election process and a dataset with likability ratings obtained via an online survey); Dataset
Format image/jpeg; application/pdf; type/x-r-syntax; text/csv; text/plain
Size 5166; 4820; 3626; 7417; 4020; 4390; 4604; 5847; 3417; 4359; 3473; 3056; 6465; 5878; 4491; 5588; 5293; 2094; 4493; 4992; 5482; 3519; 7109; 6038; 5144; 6125; 4945; 4028; 6198; 9280; 3797; 4668; 4892; 6721; 6808; 8355; 7265; 3895; 4436; 6257; 4304; 4674; 3487; 5341; 7968; 3758; 5752; 2185; 3383; 6893; 4299; 4457; 6979; 4169; 4782; 4127; 4575; 3202; 4324; 7281; 3509; 2790; 6408; 4963; 3534; 4951; 6033; 5381; 4286; 9538; 6379; 3942; 4320; 5521; 5416; 6989; 5783; 5192; 6677; 5172; 5531; 4298; 5153; 6212; 4936; 5921; 6037; 3019; 5120; 7004; 5355; 5228; 3375; 5181; 5978; 2914; 6619; 4080; 2919; 6765; 5165; 6188; 5297; 4312; 4072; 6854; 4587; 3387; 4573; 4924; 3927; 2822; 4977; 5592; 3236; 3967; 4786; 5006; 3386; 5686; 5800; 4747; 3989; 4229; 4830; 3372; 4831; 4188; 5356; 4222; 5131; 5401; 4476; 3508; 5712; 4701; 5266; 3994; 5759; 4760; 5135; 5615; 7260; 2494; 7715; 8383; 6169; 2594; 5118; 4818; 4438; 7170; 7615; 5601; 10957; 11302; 7311; 7141; 7805; 7389; 104181; 217312; 13326; 4315; 89123; 5584; 32720; 22645; 14298; 13233; 9922; 19005; 18757; 19740; 14597; 12043; 7057; 11697; 9431; 12884; 30792; 5550; 229720; 158427; 7869; 8396; 204082; 206085; 206445; 44798; 28349; 10991; 4736; 6457; 9
Version 2.0
Discipline Agriculture, Forestry, Horticulture, Aquaculture; Agriculture, Forestry, Horticulture, Aquaculture and Veterinary Medicine; Life Sciences; Social Sciences; Social and Behavioural Sciences; Soil Sciences