Seven recent novae BVI light curves

The BVI light curves of seven recent novae (i.e. V1534 Sco, V1535 Sco, V2949 Oph, V3661 Oph, MASTER OT J010603.18-744715.8, TCP J18102829-2729590 and ASASSN-16ma) have been extensively mapped with daily robotic observations from Atacama (Chile): five belong to the Galactic bulge, one to the Small Magellanic Cloud and another is a Galactic disc object. The two programme novae detected in {gamma}-rays by Fermi-LAT (i.e. TCP J18102829-2729590 and ASASSN-16ma) are bulge objects with unevolved companions. They distinguish themselves by showing a double-component optical light curve. The first component to develop is the fireball from freely expanding, ballistic-launched ejecta, with a time of passage through maximum that is strongly dependent on wavelength (~1d delay between the B and I bands). The second component, emerging simultaneously with the nova detection in {gamma}-rays, evolves at a slower pace, its optical brightness being proportional to the {gamma}-ray flux, and its passage through maximum not dependent on wavelength. The fact that {gamma}-rays are detected at a flux level that differs by four times from novae at the distance of the bulge seems to suggest that {gamma}-ray emission is not a widespread property of normal novae. We discuss the advantages offered by high-quality photometric observations collected with only one telescope (as opposed to data provided by a number of different instruments). We also observe the effects of the wavelength dependence of fireball expansion, the recombination in the flashed wind of a giant companion, the subtle presence of hiccups and plateaus, and the super-soft X-ray emission and its switch-off. Four programme novae (V2949 Oph, V3661 Oph, TCP J18102829-2729590 and ASASSN-16ma) have normal dwarf companions: V1534 Sco contains an M3 III giant, V1535 Sco a K-type giant and MASTER OT J010603.18-744715.8 a subgiant. We also comment briefly on the maximum absolute magnitude relation with decline time (MMRD).

Cone search capability for table J/MNRAS/469/4341/stars (List of studied novae)

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Creator Munari U.; Hambsch F.-J.; Frigo A.
Publisher CDS
Publication Year 2020
OpenAccess true
Contact CDS support team <cds-question(at)>
Resource Type Dataset; AstroObjects
Discipline Astrophysics and Astronomy; Natural Sciences; Observational Astronomy; Physics; Stellar Astronomy