First Byurakan Survey (FBS)

A Catalogue of galaxies with UV-continuum (Markarian galaxies) detected during the First Byurakan Survey (FBS) is presented. The purpose of the Survey was to search for peculiar faint extragalactic objects with UV-excess radiation and to study them. The procedure of observations and processings, the Survey areas, the object selection and classification criteria and also several selection effects are described. The Catalogue contains the following initial data on all the objects: the precise coordinates, visual magnitudes, angular sizes, redshifts and classification types. The observational results of slit spectra, UBV-photometry, IR-photometry (IRAS data), morphology and some other data are also included into the Catalogue. While compiling the Catalogue the authors introduced some necessary corrections in the data of the earlier published lists on galaxies with UV-continuum. In addition we included the objects with numbers 1501-1515. In most cases they are well-known Seyfert galaxies omitted by the authors in the lists, but detected on the plates. 41 objects from our lists are not included into the Catalogue, since they are either stars of our Galaxy or star projections on the galaxies. The Catalogue presents the largest homogeneous sample of AGN of different types on the northern sky for bright objects (<16.0). Up to the middle of 1987 the redshifts were measured for 1459 out of 1469 objects of the Catalogue.

Cone search capability for table VII/172/table6 (*Deleted Survey objects)

Cone search capability for table VII/172/table7 (The FBS Catalogue of Markarian galaxies)

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Metadata Access
Creator Markarian B.E.; Lipovetsky V.A.; Stepanian J.A.; Erastova L.K.,Shapovalova A.I.
Publisher CDS
Publication Year 1997
OpenAccess true
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Resource Type Dataset; AstroObjects
Discipline Astrophysics and Astronomy; Cosmology; Galactic and extragalactic Astronomy; Natural Sciences; Physics