Impedance at right ST36, GB34 and a NAP

This experiment was designed to test whether a continuous signal was stimulating the acupoint being measured and thus producing a significant feature that had been measured at right ST36 in previous experiments. Therefore an intermittent signal was used, which remained on for around 28ms, and was then switched off for 4s, then the cycle repeated for the 3 minutes of the experiment.

The resultant impedance readings at ST36 did not show any significant feature, which implies that the previously seen feature may have been the result of using a continuous signal. However, in a further experiment on 27 March, which used the same 4s intermittent signal, the characteristic right-ST36 feature was produced, which then suggested that, in fact, using a continuous signal was not stimulating the ST36 acupoint and producing misleading results. Therefore, in all future experiments, a continuous signal has been favoured, since this is able to provide at least 1,000 samples per second, and hence more detailed results.

However, this experiment has been posted here, since it did produce an unusual feature in the right GB34 readings, which had a falling trend of significant size (around 1,900Ω in 3 minutes), with the traces moving in similar motion. This is contrary to most other GB34 readings taken in these experiments, and is analysed elsewhere.

Metadata Access
Creator Kovich, F
Publisher Data Archiving and Networked Services (DANS)
Contributor Fletcher Kovich
Publication Year 2018
Rights info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess; License:;
OpenAccess true
Resource Type Dataset
Discipline Other