Ice thickness data Weißseespitze/Austria


Ice thickness data were recorded at Weißseespitze (3500 m) in the Ötztal Alps/Austria during the FWF project Cold Ice, P 29256-N36. The ice thickness was measured with ground penetrating radar (GPR) on 8 June 2017 with a GSSI 3102A Antenna (central frequency of 500 MHz). The interval was four scans per second and 1024 samples per scan, the location of the antenna was recorded with a Tocpon Hiper V DGPS. The DGPS raw data was corrected and adjusted in post-processing with the four closest STPOS (South Tyrolean Reference Station Service) base stations at Mals-Malles, Meran-Merano, Bozen-Bolzano and Sterzing-Vipiteno, with a vertical and horizontal accuracy of +-0.5 m. Synchronization of GPR and DGPS data was done via the GPS time, taking into account the current 18 leap seconds to the GSSI recorded UTC time. The GPR data were analysed using ReflexW software and a time to depth conversion with a mean signal velocity of 0.168 m/ns. The ice thickness (ed_2018_WSS.tif) was interpolated with Topo to Raster for the summit region and is provided together with the bedrock topography (as Geotiff) as gridded data at a resolution of 1x1m (Coordinate system: MGI Austria GK West, EPSG: 31254)

Metadata Access
Creator Stocker-Waldhuber, Martin ORCID logo; Seiser, Bernd; Fischer, Andrea ORCID logo
Publisher PANGAEA
Publication Year 2022
Funding Reference Austrian Science Fund Crossref Funder ID FWF P 29256-N36 Cold Ice
Rights Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International;
OpenAccess true
Resource Type Dataset
Format application/zip
Size 175.8 kBytes
Discipline Earth System Research
Spatial Coverage (10.718 LON, 46.846 LAT); Weißseespitze, Ötztaler Alpen, Austria