Geomorphological landslide inventory map of the Daunia Mountains, Southern Italian Apennines


We present a Geomorphological Landslide Inventory Map prepared for the Daunia Southern Apennines (Puglia region, south Italy) territory. The map provides information on the spatial distribution, type of movement and relative age of more than 17,000 landslides recognised on a territory of about 1800 km2. The map also provides information on areas with widespread landslides and geomorphological elements in relation to the slopes evolution and dynamics. It was produced through the interpretation of over 350 black and white stereoscopic aerial photographs, taken in the years 1954/55 and 2003, at a scale of approximately 1:33,000, aided by campaign checks. The 2003 aerial photographs were systematically examined over the entire study area, and the interpretation was integrated locally by observation and comparison of the 1954/55 images in complex geomorphological and geological settings, in densely vegetated and urbanized areas. The interpretation of the aerial photographs was carried out using multiple techniques for digital stereoscopic vision. The photo-interpreted thematic information was transferred to a topographic base compatible with a scale of 1:5,000.

Project: Valutazione integrata di dissesti geo-idrologici nella Regione Puglia, modelli interpretativi dei fenomeni e definizione di soglie di pioggia per il possibile innesco di frane superficiali, Web:, Award: POR Puglia 2014-2020, Asse V - Azione 5.1

Related Identifier IsSupplementTo
Metadata Access
Creator Cardinali, Mauro ORCID logo; Ardizzone, Francesca ORCID logo; Bucci, Francesco; Fiorucci, Federica; Pisano, Luca; Santangelo, Michele ORCID logo; Zumpano, Veronica
Publisher PANGAEA
Publication Year 2022
Rights Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International;
OpenAccess true
Resource Type Dataset
Format application/zip
Size 11.5 MBytes
Discipline Earth System Research