

The data set contains the data measured by the soil monitoring network "STH-net" installed at the Schäfertal Hillslope site (Central Germany). The hillslope site consists of a South- and a North-facing slopes and a riparian zone near the creek. The network comprises 8 stations (labeled as P1 to P8) featuring TDR probes installed every 10 cm to a maximum depth of either 70 or 110 cm measuring soil water content, and monitoring wells instrumented with piezometers measuring the water level. Furthermore, one station for each of the three soil units (namely, P2, P4 and P7) feature probes measuring soil temperature at six depths (i.e., 5, 10, 20, 30, 50 and 100 cm). A weather station is located in the valley bottom near the creek. All the data are measured every 10 minutes, with the only exception of the water level data which are collected every 2 hours. For each of the 65 TDR probes, soil samples were analyzed and the data on grain size distribution (sand, silt and clay %), bulk density and porosity are provided. The file "STH-net_README.txt" contains detailed information about the content of each data file.

The complete description of this data set can be found in the following data description paper: Martini, E., Bauckholt, M., Kögler, S., Kreck, M., Roth, K., Werban, U., Wollschläger, U., and Zacharias, S.: STH-net: a soil monitoring network for process-based hydrological modelling from the pedon to the hillslope scale, Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 13, 2529–2539,, 2021.

Metadata Access
Creator Martini, Edoardo; Kögler, Simon; Kreck, Manuel; Werban, Ulrike; Wollschläger, Ute; Zacharias, Steffen
Publication Year 2021
Rights Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY); info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
OpenAccess true
Contact edoardo.martini(at)
Format txt
Size 83.6 MB; 7 files
Discipline 3.3.21 → Earth sciences → Soil science; 3.3.13 → Earth sciences → Hydrology; 3.3.14 → Earth sciences → Meteorology; 3.3.2 → Earth sciences → Environmental science