Processed data for "Distinguishing features of High Altitude Negative Leaders as observed with LOFAR"


This is data for "Distinguishing feartures of High Altitude Negative Leaders as observed with LOFAR". Each file is in text. The first two lines are mostly unused, except for the first 8 numbers of the first line which give the bounding box of the data in this format:

(min_east max_east min_north max_north min_altitude max_altitude min_time max_time). Where east, north, and altitude are in units of km from LOFAR's core. and time is in units of ms from start of the flash.

The following rows (after the first two) give the data. The first five columns are: label ; time [ms] ; east [km] ; north [km] ; height [km] ; pulse power [arb. units] any following columns (if present) are pulse-shape data that are not used at present.

Metadata Access
Creator O. Scholten; B.M. Hare; J. Dwyer; N. Liu; C. Strepka; S. Buitink; A. Corstanje; H. Falcke; T. Huege; J.R. Hörandel; G.K. Krampah; P. Mitra; K. Mulrey; A. Nelles; H. Pandya; J.P. Rachen; T.N.G. Trinh; S. ter Veen; S. Thoudam; T. Winchen
Publisher DataverseNL
Contributor Hare, Brian
Publication Year 2021
Rights CC0 Waiver; info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess;
OpenAccess true
Contact Hare, Brian (University of Groningen)
Resource Type Dataset
Format text/x-fixed-field
Size 612504; 169991; 67112; 31079; 5718; 7523; 5338; 7333; 92069; 159390; 41339; 81972
Version 1.0
Discipline Earth and Environmental Science; Environmental Research; Geosciences; Natural Sciences; Physics